Today has been on our minds for the last little while. It's hard to believe it's been a year, although I can't quite decide if it's hard to believe it's been
only a year or if it's hard to believe it's been a year
We kept today pretty low-key. Tuesdays are normally pretty busy around our home - it seems to be the day that everything happens, like band, piano lessons, voice lessons, youth group, quizzing, bible study - but today we skipped out on most of those activities. We had pancakes for breakfast. We watched some Star Wars movies. We packed a picnic supper and went out to Kol's grave. We wrote messages to Kol on helium balloons and let them fly. We came back home, played some Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, and watched some Star Trek. And we cried.
Thank you all for your support over this past year.