Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rough week

Sorry for not posting much this week. We're back home in Outlook for the weekend, and quite frankly I'm feeling exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

Wednesday was rough, as Kristen mentioned in her post. Thursday and Friday were better, but the drive home to Outlook on Friday was a little rough - we were all feeling tired and hungry, which made for some cranky moments, especially between Kolbjorn and Birgitte. At one point I pulled the van over to the side of the road and threatened to make them both get out and walk for a while - that's not a normal event in our family trips. We only stayed a couple nights in Saskatoon this week, due to some other appointments in Outlook, so I think we were all getting tired of driving back and forth.

This next week is going to be busy:

  • Monday will be radiation for Kol, followed by the PICC line insertion.
  • Tuesday will be Birgitte's MRI scan for her epilepsy - that'll take most of the morning, and then Kol has his radiation in the afternoon, and I believe we'll also be meeting with the radiation oncologist again (Tuesday afternoons are when he has regular appointments with his patients).
  • Wednesday will be radiation and chemotherapy for Kol, while the girls (Julianna, Mari, and Birgitte) are probably going to head down to Regina to spend some time with Ulla and her crew.
  • Thursday and Friday are radiation treatments, no other appointments or treatments scheduled (at least so far). Hopefully we'll be able to find some time to go out with Kolbjorn and have some fun.
I'm hoping that we'll get a good chance to recover this weekend - get some sleep, relax a bit, spend some time with family and friends, and just try to decompress before next week hits us. Speaking of sleep, I'm overdue for some, so I'll just end this here.


  1. Do you need the army yet - don't forget to call.

  2. My prayers continue to be with you all. And I can totally relate to wanting to wake up, with it all being a dream/bad nightmare. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, although right now it probabably looks like a very long tunnel. Regarding the PICC line, I never had one and yes there came a point near the end of my treatments where finding a viable vein was difficult (but I've made it through the chemo tunnel - yeah!) . My friend had a line and after the initial minor surgery to insert it, blood work and chemo all happened through that line - she was very thankful.
    Thanks for the posts; then specific prayers can go up for you (not that God doesn't already know what we want)

    "I have no one in heaven but you;
    I want nothing on earth besides you.
    My body and my mind may become weak,
    but God is my strength.
    He is mine forever." - Psalm 73:25, 26


  3. Thinking of you today. I hope that all went well with Birgitte's MRI and Kol's treaments today.
