Monday, August 16, 2010

And then there was one...

We met with the radiation oncologist today, and he asked Kol how he felt about having only one radiation treatment left. Kol responded "Good, but... it's going to be hard to say goodbye." I think that speaks volumes about the radiation therapists at the Saskatoon Cancer Center - they have been so easy to work with, so supportive and so caring over these past six weeks. I agree with Kol - it is going to be hard to say goodbye.


  1. So glad to hear that the radiation treatments are finishing up tomorrow - and that the staff have been so wonderful! Continually thinking of and praying for you all!

  2. Kolbjorn,
    Hopefully when you read this you will be done your last treatment. Congratulations! You must be excited to have a break. You have faced everything so far with great courage and have all shown us what great strength can come from trusting in and being in God's care. We love you so much and look forward to seeing you soon! (we'll set up a time to skype soon?)
    Love Uncle Leif & Auntie Heidi

  3. Good to hear that tomorrow is Kol's last day for radiation. Tomorrow is definately worth celebrating! Good job Kol!
    Love & prayers,

    P.S. Really enjoyed the video interview....great job guys!

  4. Yay for the last treatment! Great video interview, so fun. Praying for the Helper T cells and white blood cells to make you better fast!

    Love, hugs, aloha, and prayers,

    The Gallagher's

  5. Yah Kol!!!!! Hope you are doing something fun right now. Thoughts and prayers are with you!
