Monday, December 27, 2010

Home sweet home again

Sigh. It all seemed like it was going to work out. Nobody got sick overnight Thursday, so we figured that we were over the flu, and OK to go to Regina on Friday. We should have known better.

Friday morning, as we were getting ready to load up, Kol started feeling sick. We got him some ondansetron, thinking (wishfully) that it was just the chemo. About five minutes after leaving the house, he got sick - thankfully, we were thinking ahead enough to have a bucket along for such an eventuality. We stopped at a gas station, and while I was pumping gas, Kristen went inside to rinse out the bucket. By the time she made it back out to the van, Kol got sick again, all over his jacket and pants.

Thankfully, this was also the point where we were meeting up with my brother (to drive to Regina together), and were already planning on passing some of the kids over to his vehicle, so the three older girls switched cars, Kristen got in the back seat to help Kol clean up, and we were back on the road.

The rest of the trip was relatively uneventful, and we thought (wishfully, again) that we had seen the end of the flu. We had a great meal with the family, the kids put on a nativity play, presents were opened, fun was being had... and then Julianna got sick. And then Kristen got sick. And both of them were up through the night being sick, although it didn't seem to last as long as it had lasted for the others.

So, by late Saturday morning, Kristen and Julianna were feeling better, and I thought (wishfully, yet again) that should be it for the sickness. Wrong. Saturday afternoon, I started feeling chilled. I climbed into bed, fell asleep, and then just before supper time, I finally got sick. Fortunately, it didn't seem to last as long as it had for the others, and I managed to get a half-decent sleep that night.

Sunday saw an uneventful trip back home to Outlook, a visit with Kristen's sister for her birthday, and some quiet time together as "just us". As good as it was to be with family this past week, it was even better getting back to home, sleeping in our own beds.

We'll be back in Saskatoon for Kol's treatment on Wednesday (and, hopefully, his MRI results).

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